[PMP®] Process Framework Notes

  • Essential Terms
    • Processes
      • Three components: Inputs, Tools and Techniques, Outputs
    • Inputs
      • The starting point for the processes.
      • There specific and unique inputs into each project management process that are used for process.
    • Tools and Techniques
      • The actions or methods that are used to transform inputs into outputs
    • Outputs
      • Every process contains at least one output.
      • Output from one process are used as inputs to other processes or as part of a broader deliverables, such as the project plan.
    • Process Groups
      • Every Process that takes place on the project also fits into one of those five groups:
        • Initiating: Processes that begin the project
        • Planning: Processes that create the plans that will govern the work
        • Executing: Processes that execute the plans and produce work
        • Monitoring and Controlling: Processes that compare the work results to the plan and make adjustments for the future.
        • Closing: Processes that completes the project, pjase, or component of a project.
      • Five processes are by no means completely linear.
      • A process may be repeated multiple times throughout a project’s life cycle.

  • Process Groups Breakdown
    • Initiating
      • Two Processes & Knowledge Areas:
        • Develop Project Charter (Chapter 4 – Integration Management)
        • Identify Stakeholders (Chapter 13 – Stakeholder Management)
      • Purpose of this process group is to get the project officially authorized and underway.
      • Result:
        • Business need clearly defined
        • Clear direction for the scope as well as information on why this project was chose over other possibilities
        • List of stakeholder
    • Planning
      • Throughout the whole project
      • Processes
        • Develop Project Management Plan
        • Plan Scope Management
        • Collect Requirements
        • Define Scope
        • Create WBS
        • Plan Schudule Management
        • Define Activirs
        • Sequence Activities
        • Estimate Activity Durations
        • Develop Schedule
        • Plan Cost MAnagement
        • Estimate Costs
        • Determine Budget
        • Plan Quality Management
        • Plan Resource Management
        • Estimate Acitivity Resources
        • Plan Risk Management
        • Identify Risks
        • Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
        • Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
        • Plan Risk Responses
        • Plan Procurement Management
        • Plan Stakeholder Engagement
    • Executing
      • Covered Knowledge Areas:
        • Integration
        • Quality
        • Resource
        • Communications
        • Risk
        • Procurement
        • Stakeholder
      • Processes:
        • Direct & Manage Project Work
        • Manage Project Knowledge
        • Manage Quality
        • Acquire Resources
        • Develop Team
        • Manage Team
        • Manage Communications
        • Implement Risk Responses
        • Conduct PRocurements
        • Manage Stakeholder Engagement
    • Monitoring & Controlling
      • Take the results from the executing processes and comparingthem aginst the plan
      • Knowledge Areas:
        • Integration
        • Quality
        • Resource
        • Communications
        • Risk
        • Procurement
        • Stakeholder
      • Keywords indicated in the questions:
        • Measured
        • Inspected
        • Reviewed
        • Compared
        • Monitored
        • Verified
        • reported
      • If there is a difference between the plan and the results, corrective action is take, either to change the plan or to change the way in which it is being executed (or both) in order to ensure that the work results line up with the plan.
      • Monitoring & Controlling Process will have at least two inputs:
        • Something that was planned
        • The actual result
      • Monitoring & Controlling Process is about influencing future results and not so much about fixing past mistakes.
      • Processes:
        • Monitor & Control Project Work
        • Perform Integrated Change Control
        • Validate Scope
        • Control Scope
        • Control Schedule
        • Control Costs
        • Control Quality
        • Control Resources
        • Monitor Communications
        • Monitor Risks
        • Control Procurements
        • Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
    • Closing
      • After the product has been verified against the scopre and delivered to the customer’s satisfaction, the project records must be updated, the team must be released, and the project archives and lessons learned need to be updated.
      • Project does not end with customer acceptance.
      • Process:
        • Close Project or Phase

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