[Dashboard] Commercial Lending Relationship Manager Performance Scorecard

What is a Commercial Lending Relationship Manager(RM) Performance Scorecard

Commercial Lending Relationship Manager Performance Scorecard is widely used in the banks, and designed for assessing RM (Relationship Manager) or Lenders performance comparing the current result with the goal on multiple pre-defined KPIs. Different banks have different designs and calculation logic, however, in general, banks are focus on Loan Production, Loan Growth, New Referrals, and new commercial deposit account opened for loans.

Below is a commercial lending relationship manager scorecard I designed using fake data. Two icons on the top right corner are buttons for Slicer Panel (To change to another relationship manager, and month) and Rating Criteria (To check the preset goal, actual performance, and different tiers of ratings).

Note: Please click the button on the bottom right corner of the dashboard to enter the full-screen mode for a better experience.

For performance scorecards that audiences are relationship managers, we usually apply Role-Level Security(RLS) to the dashboard, make sure each RM can see only his/her own performance and rating. A scorecard like this is more for higher management (like the regional manager, or the director). Scorecards not only can be used for individuals but also for branches, or regions as well. The basic idea is the same.

About the underlying data

I used Python package – Faker to generate the fake relationship manager profiles, including names, cities, branches, etc. you can find more information at their website: or Github:

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